Monday, September 7, 2015

What a weekend!

Sitting here on a tired Monday night, looking back on the wonderful weekend we just had! Friday marked our sweet Emma's second birthday, and we had Landon's grandparents, Gayle and David, here from North Dakota to help us celebrate! 

Emma got up at 5:30 am... Good thing we had all of her birthday presents wrapped and ready to go! What a mountain. Little princess...  

We took the trolley downtown to the farmer's market! Landon got this wonderful shot of our Emma Gayle and her great grandma Gayle :) 

For any of you who may not know, Emma gets her middle name from Landon's mother, who passed away shortly before we found out we were expecting Emma. In a happy coincidence, that is also the same name as Landon's grandma! So the name "Gayle" is very dear to our hearts, for both beloved women! 

Rory napped through most of the farmer's market, Emma commandeered everyone's beverages including this water, my lemonade and great grandpa David's slushie :P

Emma got tons of play time at the park with great grandma Gayle!

At Emma's little birthday party, she had a "dinner date" with her BFF Aiden ;) 

Pink bubble wrap from Uncle Brady and Brit was a huge hit with the toddlers! I have an adorable video of them jumping and stomping on it... Can't figure out how to upload videos to this blinkin' blog!!! Such wonderful, thoughtful gifts from our friends and family... This girl is unbelievably blessed! 

I forgot to get a shot of Emma's beautiful cake! G.J. (My mom, Gramsy Joan) made her a white velvet cake with strawberry-raspberry mascarpone-buttercream frosting. It was pink, sweet, sparkly, perfect! 

Recipe here:

Soooooooo naturally breakfast Sunday morning had to be leftover cupcakes. "Happy cake" as Emma called it. 

The big two-year-old playing with her new tea set from Auntie Abbie :) 

Sunday was hot hot HOT so we got out the pool. Goofball likes to go down the slide backwards apparently. "I'm two now, mom... I do what I want!" 

Rory gets to play when Emma's napping! 

Big sister plays a little too rough. So Rory gets the ball pit all to himself on the rare occasion! 

The three loves of my life! It's tough coming down from such a fun-packed weekend! Big yawns and tired eyes from everyone... On the plus side, that means long naps and sleeping in for once! :D 

Back to reality tomorrow after such a nice long weekend, but with today being Labor Day, it's a short week! :) 


  1. Happy Birthday Princess!! Your such a happy girl! I'm so glad you had so much fun!

  2. Do NOT attempt the Strawberry-Raspberry Mascarpone Buttercream!
