Friday, September 25, 2015


He's happy when he has ibuprofen in him! Stubborn ear infection and getting his top teeth at the same time? This kid's a trooper. 

Every once in a while I still get a good snuggle out of this one! 

Reading together in their post-bath attire of diapers :P

Emma and her Aiden. "My Aiden" she says :) This sweet boy is such a treasure to our family... He is funny, kind, and has patience and understanding beyond his years. He lets Emma pull him here and there, boss him around, he gives her love and friendship, and he just lets Emma be Emma. She thinks he is awesome, and we do too. He is a credit to his parents :) 

Down they go! ;) 

Emma got a package in the mail from Auntie Reagan and Uncle Dan and baby Amelia! She loved the contents of the box as well ;) 

Cuties :)

This boy WILL feed himself! Oy... We have been struggling with independence at meal times. This boy desperately wants to feed himself. But he couldn't hit water if he were a boat, if you get my drift. Messy. 

Emma had to see what all the fun was with this crib business... 


...He's up! 

So yeah. This happened today. Guess it's time to drop the crib mattress and start baby-proofing! Good thing we have practice. 

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