Tuesday, September 15, 2015

My eye is twitching uncontrollably

Dear Residential Street Construction,

I hate you.

You could not possibly suck more today. 

Today I have a baby who has been sporting a fever for 36 hours and a toddler who is struggling to cope with the heavy focus of attention on her needy brother. 

And today, of all days, is apparently the best day for smashing concrete outside my kids' bedroom window at nap time.

Seriously. Quiet little construction work all morning, and then 1:00 hits and it's like someone said "Hey guys! Look at the clock! Every baby, toddler, and preschooler in America is napping right now... LET'S BUST UP SOME CONCRETE!" 

I'm not trying to blame the construction workers, they're obviously given a schedule and have to stick to it. But whomever plans these things must not have ever had children in desperate need of naps. 

I'm getting ready to walk out there with a huge neon sign that reads "YOU WAKE THEM YOU, TAKE THEM, GENIUSES!" 

You've been warned. Don't tempt me. 

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