Monday, September 28, 2015

Wear your seat belts, kids...

Well we started the week off with a bang.

While on our way to the surgeon's office for yet another visit pertaining to the tailbone issue, we were rear ended. Pretty hard. We were basically at a full stop waiting for a car to turn into a driveway on Lawe St. and the SUV behind us slammed into the back of my van. The driver was apparently looking off to the side and didn't really slow down at all. Both of our heads came within inches of the dash. 

We're okay- neck pain, head pain, ringing ears... I'm assuming we each have a pretty good case of whiplash. 

Anyway, my personal little PSA here: WEAR YOUR SEAT BELTS! We are sitting here in the ER with neck braces and aches and pains, BECAUSE we were wearing our seat belts. If we had not been, I don't want to think of how this situation would be different. I can only imagine we'd both have been unconscious, bleeding, and broken. 

My next thought after thank God we were wearing our seat belts, or this would have been much worse, was thank God we can go home to our kids tonight. 

Whomever you are, someone is relying on you to keep yourself safe. Even if it's just a pet, someone needs you to wear your seat belt and do everything in your power to protect yourself. 

I've never been one to forego my seat belt, but I am making a new promise here and now- no one riding in my vehicle will ever be allowed to forego their seatbelt either. I had previously let people (besides my husband and kids) decide for themselves whether or not they would wear their seat belt. If they didn't click it on, hey- it's their business. Not anymore. This was too scary, and it wasn't even that bad as far as car accidents go. 

Signing off for now with love and gratitude from my cozy little hospital bed, 

Emma Speaks [Vol. 7]

*Waving out the window of the trolley as we passed a crowd downtown Appleton during Octoberfest* 

Emma: "Hi people! It's me, Emma!" 



*One of the characters on Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood was sick with a cold*

Emma: "What's the matter?"

Me: "He's sick, he doesn't feel good."

Emma: "He needs cheese." 



*Landon stole a bite of Emma's cinnamon roll*

Emma (waving her fork at him): "Hey! That's mine! Open your mouth!" 


*Emma was being a complete psychopath at lunch, banging her cup and fork on the table and throwing her food on the floor on purpose... All behaviors we had conquered, like, almost a year ago. I scolded her and pulled her chair away from the table and took her dishes of food away. She started to scream at the top of her lungs, hysterically over-the-top dramatics. I bent down to pick up the food from the floor, and she abruptly stops screaming.*

"Oh. Whoopsie. Sorry, mumma!" 

What the...?!? 


*Out for a walk one evening and it was light out with a visible moon."

Emma: "Mumma! Look! The moon! Take it!"

Me: "Oh I can't take it, it's too far away!" 

Emma: "Pick me up. I'll get it." 

You keep reaching for that moon, baby... ;) 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Fall is coming... I can feel it :)

Yesterday evening we took the kids on a trolley ride around downtown Appleton! The trolley runs on the weekends for free (they take donations) and picks up at the bus stops! It was the last day to ride the trolley for 2015, so we had to get one last ride in! :) 

Emma and dad on the trolley. It's a little bumpy, so bad picture quality! 

I take any opportunity to snuggle and kiss these smushy cheekers! 

Just look at that face! She was pouting because we went around a corner and couldn't see the moon anymore. 

Today was a beautiful day for picking pears! 

Ring around the pear tree! 

Big helper :)

Rory is such a good supervisor... He was really cracking the whip! :P

Pear twins! 

Emma found the perfect pear! It was juicy and delicious! 

She shared with brudder. 

The Lawson clan will be eating a lot of pears this fall! If you have any good pear recipes, send them our way :) 

Rory has mastered the "dada dada" sound, which he has also decided needs to be our 4 am alarm clock- him happily shouting "dadadadada" from his crib before the birds are up -_-

In this one he is showing off his brand new upper pearly whites... 

More talking

We switched Rory out of the baby tub! And he likes to splash... 

That's all for now... Gearing up for another week! :) 

Friday, September 25, 2015

They can take my pride, but they can't take my sense of humor

Some of you may know, some of you may not... But I have had a mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausting battle over the past [nearly] three years with a beast called a pilonidal cyst. 

Now hearing this may make you think "It's a cyst. What's the big deal?" 
I'll 'splain...

A brief overview of the pilonidal cyst- basically a ball of debris that develops under the skin on or around the tailbone. They usually develop from a hair follicle that becomes embedded with "debris" (skin cells, little flecks of hair, etc.) and tunnels downward. It can happen to anyone, truly. You can be pre-disposed to getting them based on your anatomy and genetics- my mother had one! 

There is a common misconception that they only occur in men with hairy butts. I assure you- I do not have a hairy butt. There is an ever-growing list of strangers who can attest to that fact. Yes, the list of people invited to peer down into the crevasse of my posterior is now in the double digits, I'm sure, and consists of doctors, surgeons, and nurses, my mother, my sister, and my sainted husband. 

They can be problematic, or you can be completely unaware that you even have one. I was completely unaware that I had one, until the cyst ruptured after a good knock on the tailbone whilst sledding during Christmas of 2012. 
Right here. This is where it all started. 

And it was only a week later on New Year's Day I wound up staring at a positive pregnancy test, complaining to Landon and my coworkers how much my tailbone was bothering me since this bumpy sled ride! The next day, January 2nd of 3013, I was in the hospital having emergency surgery to clear out the tennis ball sized abscess that developed upon the rupture of the cyst. Because it was infected, and because I was pregnant, I had to just let this heal [which is a gruesome process- the hole stays open, packed with gauze and heals slowly from the inside out- for months] and had to wait to have the cyst removed at a later time. 

Fast forward to February, 2014. I have beautiful 5 month old Emma, I have recovered successfully from the first surgery, and now it's time to have the cyst removed before it becomes a problem once again! Long story short- I had to see a different surgeon, and this one pretty much did a crap job, and the cyst was back within a few weeks of healing from the surgery. Great. But, with having to take so much time off work, I had to wait again to have it taken care of. 

Fast forward to late June 2014. I go see a different surgeon, he says "Great! Let's schedule something soon and get that cyst out!" 

Fast forward to early July, 2014. I find myself once again staring at a positive pregnancy test, and wondering why my tailbone hurts so bad. Except this time I knew why. Back in I went, under the knife, clean out the infection, let it heal. And that happened twice during July and August of 2014. It also happened again toward the very end of my pregnancy with Rory. 

Fast forward to July of 2015. I have my nearly two-year-old Emma, 6 month old Rory, and a few weeks of summer left which meant Landon would be home to help me. I got myself teamed up with a surgeon who was confident he could get rid of the cyst once and for all, and who had me laughing the minute I met him. That's the way to make it in those situations... "Hmmmm... I've got to examine this poor woman's bare backside... Better crack a few jokes to put her at ease."
Good call. That's my kind of surgeon. 

The surgery went well, but left me with an incision bigger than ever, after years of abuse to the area. And once again, time to prepare myself for the long recovery process that I was all too familiar with by this point. Bandage change appointments every day until it was manageable for my dear sweet Landon to take over. Then we were introduced to the vac...

Ever heard of a wound vac? Basically a suction machine you have to strap onto your body somewhere that is attached to a tube that is attached to a sponge that gets packed into your open wound and then sealed shut. Now imagine that on your butt. Now imagine instead of a machine, it's a child. A child that you can never put down. A child that, let's say, "stops breathing" any time you bend over past a 120 degree angle [seriously I couldn't lean over more than 6 inches without the damn thing alarming and shutting off!] A child that is constantly humming and occasionally screeching in your ear 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. A child that has to remain attached to your butt and plugged into the wall all night as you sleep. Haha. "Sleep." Right... 

BUT- it's supposed to speed up healing. It's supposed to make this long, drawn-out process of closing a painful, gaping hole go much quicker. 

Supposed to.

After two weeks of frustration, tears, nights up late on the 1-800 help line [that should honestly have been called a 1-800-screw-you-because-we-don't-care line], and very little healing, the damn thing finally came off. Apparently in a small percentage of patients, the vac is more irritating than it is beneficial and it actually prevents the wound from healing. 

Well, of course, I'm one of those people. 

Once it came off, it seemed like smooth sailing. Suddenly I was healing by leaps and bounds, and the incision was getting smaller by the day. But it just wouldn't be "me" without some sort of new catastrophe... 

One day I pointed out a sore spot next to the incision to the wound care nurse whom I was seeing for my weekly appointment, and she said it was no big deal, probably just a little irritation from so much tape. But it kept getting more painful, then red, then hard. I called the surgeon's office and through some miscommunication of the facts, instead of being seen immediately, it was determined I could wait two more days for a convenient opening in the schedule. I bit my tongue (mistake #1,438 on my part) and agreed to wait. By the time the surgeon was able to look at it two days later, it was a golf ball sized abscess. So now I have another gaping hole in my backside in need of packing and daily bandage changes. And this one was fresh. Painful. Unlike the nerve-deadened incision from the cyst removal that had already been operated on a handful of times. 

Fast forward about a week and a half, it's been a long and tiring week of Landon being gone for 13+ hours a day nearly every day, and little sleep because, surprise!- apparently its the perfect time for Rory to have a [nearly] double ear infection. (One ear was infected, the other was just starting) Rory hadn't slept or eaten normally in days, and had just got over a 48 hour fever. My entire family is out of town at an event that we could not possibly attend with 2 small kids- one sick- me recovering from surgery, and because Landon had to work. 

The previous day I had noticed another sore area, but it was so close to the last one so I didn't think much of it, plus my mind and energy had all been focused on Rory. Until Saturday night when I'm home alone with the kids and suddenly it's red, hot, painful, and bulging beneath my skin and I feel sick and sweaty. Dear God, please not again... ran through my head over and over again as I called the surgeons office to talk to whomever was on-call. 

"Get to the Emergency Room."

Great. Except I'm home alone with my 6 month old and 2 year old and I can't reach my husband at work, and like I said before- every.single.member. of my family was two hours away. [My great aunt Pat has MS, and every year there is a 50 mile awareness and fundraising walk through Door County that my family helps out with, some do the walk, run water stations, work the silent auction, it's an important weekend every year and I hated missing it] buuuuuuuut... Turned out to be a good thing that I wasn't 2 hours from home that night. 

Sobbing over the phone to my poor mother [who was two hours away and couldn't possibly help me but whom I called anyway because- she's my mommy] we brainstormed who I could get ahold of to help me. Finally got ahold of Landon, and got ahold of my friend Nicole. Landon stayed home with the kids as it was getting close to bed time, and Nicole (who happens to be a nurse!) got me to the ER and stayed with me. I could not have picked a better substitute for my mother or husband at that time. She made sure everything was taken care of. Amazing. 

The nurse practitioner I saw in the ER [who was wonderful, by the way] numbed me up, cut into the area that was red and bulging, but found nothing. She cleaned me up, and sent me home with antibiotics, as it was clearly some sort of infection. 

On Monday my mom came with me to see the good 'ol surgeon yet again. He numbed me up and cut about two inches deeper [you read that right, two inches] and found the abscess. It was not what anyone in that room was expecting. It was huge. It was full of infection, and it "ran like a faucet", in my mother's far-too-descriptive words. There was also no way to know how much anesthetic was actually needed until it was too late. I cried. I nearly passed out from the pain. I would have gladly endured the pain of labor and childbirth instead of this [except, it did go much more quickly!] 

When all was said and done, the surgeon sat there scratching his head trying to come up with some explanation as to why this keeps happening to me. He also said if he would have known just how extensive this abscess was, he would have sedated me. It was the size and shape of two ping-pong balls side by side and more than two inches deep. This is not supposed to be happening.

So now, with an ass resembling Swiss cheese, it's time to just press on with our week which, once again, includes very little time with Landon home. Once again, Rory's not sleeping, and crying much more than usual. Once again, Emma can't understand why mom's paying more attention to her brother, and is hurt and seeking retribution. 

This week could have very well turned out to be the absolute worst week of my life. However, taking it one hour at a time, accepting help from anyone who offered it, and counting my blessings are the things that got me through it. 

The past three years have been filled with pain- more pain than I thought I could endure at times. But pain goes away, and I count it as a blessing that I have learned just how strong I am, and how much I am able to endure. 

I think the process bringing a child into this world has the power to teach any woman her own fortitude, and I did it twice. Living and loving life through sometimes terrible pain also girds your mind, body, and soul against giving up. Yes, I have spent the last nearly 3 years in pain more days than not, but when I look back I can hardly remember the pain. I remember meeting my beautiful babies. I remember feeling the bonds of my marriage growing stronger through these trials. I remember holidays and birthdays and lazy days. I remember what it felt like the day I learned just how much my own mother loves me. 

I am unbelievably lucky to have family members and friends willing to rearrange their schedules to help. It has been a humbling experience, and I would never trade that. All of the miserable hours I would not trade for learning first-hand that I have people in my life who will be here for me when I need help, and whether I ask for it or not. And with lots of help, we survived the week and the pain is lessening day by day. 

It is a blessing that I get to be at home with my kids. Even though the baby is sick and the toddler is crazy, we're all short on sleep, and I haven't had a conversation with my husband that included full sentences in three days, I am at home to be with them through all of it. I'm not confined to a hospital, and my babies are here with me. I reminded myself so many times this week how lucky I am and how many other people endure so much worse. 

In the wise words of my beloved aunt, "Everyone has their own shit pile." 

Well, this is mine. And I can handle it. With help, encouragement, love, ibuprofen, deep breathing, and my sense of humor intact... I can handle anything. 


He's happy when he has ibuprofen in him! Stubborn ear infection and getting his top teeth at the same time? This kid's a trooper. 

Every once in a while I still get a good snuggle out of this one! 

Reading together in their post-bath attire of diapers :P

Emma and her Aiden. "My Aiden" she says :) This sweet boy is such a treasure to our family... He is funny, kind, and has patience and understanding beyond his years. He lets Emma pull him here and there, boss him around, he gives her love and friendship, and he just lets Emma be Emma. She thinks he is awesome, and we do too. He is a credit to his parents :) 

Down they go! ;) 

Emma got a package in the mail from Auntie Reagan and Uncle Dan and baby Amelia! She loved the contents of the box as well ;) 

Cuties :)

This boy WILL feed himself! Oy... We have been struggling with independence at meal times. This boy desperately wants to feed himself. But he couldn't hit water if he were a boat, if you get my drift. Messy. 

Emma had to see what all the fun was with this crib business... 


...He's up! 

So yeah. This happened today. Guess it's time to drop the crib mattress and start baby-proofing! Good thing we have practice. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Pictures and videos

Haha! Rory's little face :P these two were my dates last Friday night. Exciting evening of grocery shopping! 

Popeye ;)

This little boy made up for his lack of appetite all week in one day. Yowza! What will it be like when he's a teenager?!

My little beauty at our favorite park :) 

Emma spent an entire walk rubbing Rory's fuzzy hair. He's going to have a bald spot ;) 

Emma cheering for the runners during the Fox Cities Marathon that went right past our house :) 

Emma having fun with the air vent when the a/c was running 

An older one I hadn't shared- Emma playing in the pool. And it was just about nap time so she was a little whiney :/ 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Emma Speaks [Vol. 6]

*Having a pretend tea party*

Me: "May I have some more tea please?"

Emma: "Not today." 


*I was giving Emma a big hug and kissing her cheeks*

Emma: "Mumma! Don't touch! I fragile!" 

There are some words I just shouldn't teach her.


*Rory was reaching for a piece of Emma's cereal and she intercepted his hand and started shaking it*

Emma: "Nice to meet you, brudder!"


*We were sitting in the living room just hanging out*

Emma: "Be right back, go check the pizza!"

*runs to the oven and peeks through the door- it was off and empty, we were not making a pizza*

Emma: "Not ready yet. Rats!" 


*Since having surgery on my tailbone in July, Landon has been doing my bandage changes, we usually shoot for a time when Emma's not around, but it doesn't always work out so she's "helped" a couple of times*

Emma [pulling on my pants]: "Come here mumma, I check your owie." 

Me: "No thank you, Nurse Ratchet!" 

Emma [shoving me toward the couch]: "Go yay down!" 

*I obey, just to amuse her. A few moments later she emerges from the play room with her doctor kit*

Emma: "Doctor Emma!" 

Sweet mother of pearl help me... 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Emma Speaks [Vol. 5]

*Emma and I were running to Target together, Landon and Rory were staying home*

Emma: "Where's daddy?" 

Me: "He's at home with Rory."

Emma: "Why?" 

Me: "Because I thought it would be nice to run errands just you and me. I like spending time with you!"

Emma: "I like daddy." 

The girl really keeps my self esteem in check -_-


*Dropped Emma off with my mom and dad and told her to be a good girl, then was about to leave with Rory to go to an appointment*

Emma: "Bye! Be good girl, Rory!" 


*We've had weeks of road construction on our street as the sewer and water lines are being replaced, we've been talking about all of the noisy construction, and we were outside talking to one of the construction workers when Emma wanted to get a closer look at the trucks*

Nice man in neon says to Emma: "You're a cutie pie!" 

Emma: "You're noisy." 

Me: *facepalm*


*Lately she thinks it's funny to stick her tongue out at the last second when I give her a kiss, and subsequently lick my face. It's super annoying*

Me: "Emma, stop it. I really don't like that."

Emma: "Let's talk about it..."

Where on earth does she GET this crap?!? 


*While watching an episode of Daniel Tiger's neighborhood where Daniel gets sick*

Emma: "A-CHOO! A-CHOO! A-CHOO! Emma go home. Need juice and soup." 

It's way too early for that. No more Daniel Tiger. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


This girl has been all about the babies lately... Such a little mommy! 

I hope these babies don't mind being held by the neck with an empty bottle shoved up their noses! :P

Possibly [probably] the last dip in the pool of 2015! 

And for those of you keeping track, yes- she does have a million swimsuits. I have purchased one. The rest were gifts or hand-me-downs! 

Next summer, buddy... Next summer. 

Ok I want to see if this works... A link to a video... 

Ehh? Does it work? 

Woosh! She says "Mumma I want to zoom!" And then she calls herself either "Super Emma" or "Mustache" we think she mistakes the batman logo for a mustache :P

Emma decided to decorate her brother with stickers to make him feel better... He's been under the weather since Sunday, and we finally went to the doctor today after 4 days of little sleep, little appetite, and lots of crying. Aaaaaaaaand ear infections >_< Emma held off until she was one year old before ever being sick... I guess Rory's just "advanced" in all areas :P 

"Mom, why is she putting stickers on my butt?" 

A little smile, despite the rough week we've had! 

"Ear infections suck, Ma..."

Yep. They do, buddy. 

I just keep telling myself "Someday..."

Someday we'll have a day where there are no tantrums, no crying, and no tears.

But someday I'll look back on these early years and the tears will be my own, wondering where time has gone. 

Someday I'll be able to eat a hot meal, without a baby or toddler on my lap, stealing bites of my dinner [when they won't eat the same food off their own plate].

But someday I'll beg to hold someone else's baby while they enjoy a rare empty lap and a hot meal. 

Someday we'll get to sleep in past 6:00 in the morning on the weekends. 

But someday I'll be the one up early, hoping my kids will get up soon and spend some time with me. Or, I'll be dragging their butts out of bed at noon. 

Someday my daughter will go to bed without thirty kisses, three lullabies, and ten "I Love You"s.

But someday she'll rush out the door, busy with her exciting little life, without a hug, or a kiss, or an "I love you mom!" And I can only imagine how that will sting. 

Someday I won't get sprayed and spewed with fruit and vegetable purées, or have someone's chubby, sticky fingers clawing at my clean shirt.

But someday I'll look back and laugh at how my son never sneezed unless he was 6 inches from my face with a mouthful of baby food. 

Someday I won't have diapers to change.

But someday I'll pace and worry the first time they insist they can use a public restroom without me. 

Someday my body won't ache at the end of the day from being constantly touched, grabbed, pulled, and climbed on.

But someday, oh how I'll ache to feel those little arms around my neck one more time, those little feet climbing up my legs, or pudgy baby fingers twirling my hair. 

Someday I'll be able to talk on the phone without my toddler yelling for attention or trying to wrestle the phone away from me because she wants to talk to daddy.

But someday I'll be waiting and hoping that she'll call so I can know what she's up to, or just hear her voice. 

Someday he won't scream and cry as I buckle him in his car seat.

But someday he'll be off riding in someone else's car or driving himself, and I'll worry, and I'll be hoping he remembered his seatbelt and to be cautious and careful. 

Someday there won't be bottles to wash.

But someday we'll sit down and talk and laugh with a bottle of wine or a bottle of beer and I'll wonder how we got there. 

Someday I'll no longer constantly smell the lingering odor of baby spit-up on my shoulder.

But someday I'll think back and that's not the smell I'll remember... I'll remember the sweet scent of baby shampoo on a clean, fuzzy little head snuggled right up under my chin. 

Someday I'll get more than a few minutes of peace and quiet throughout the day, without a baby crying, or a toddler chattering away just to make noise.

But someday the house will be quiet, and I will be lonely for the sounds of little people filling the rooms. 

Someday I won't have babies anymore, I'll have children moving on to bigger and better things all the time.

But someday my heart will yearn for another baby, even though that time in my life will have come and gone. 

Someday there won't be a meltdown every time I say "no."

But someday I'll look back and wish I had said "yes" a little more often. 

Someday I won't be searching for things to do to fill up our days, or places to go so we can get out of the house.

But someday we'll all be busy with school and work and extracurriculars and friends, and I'll wonder why I didn't enjoy lazy days with my babies where we had nothing on the schedule but playing and being together. 

Someday my husband won't have to work 60 hours a week so I can stay at home with our children.

But someday we'll look back on these early years and marvel at our strength, and wonder how we survived with our family unit intact. 

Someday they won't need us every waking hour of every single day to care for them and tend to their needs.

But someday, maybe- if we're lucky- they'll have children of their own, and we'll get to kick back and enjoy the hell out of watching them navigate this crazy journey that is parenthood.  

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

My eye is twitching uncontrollably

Dear Residential Street Construction,

I hate you.

You could not possibly suck more today. 

Today I have a baby who has been sporting a fever for 36 hours and a toddler who is struggling to cope with the heavy focus of attention on her needy brother. 

And today, of all days, is apparently the best day for smashing concrete outside my kids' bedroom window at nap time.

Seriously. Quiet little construction work all morning, and then 1:00 hits and it's like someone said "Hey guys! Look at the clock! Every baby, toddler, and preschooler in America is napping right now... LET'S BUST UP SOME CONCRETE!" 

I'm not trying to blame the construction workers, they're obviously given a schedule and have to stick to it. But whomever plans these things must not have ever had children in desperate need of naps. 

I'm getting ready to walk out there with a huge neon sign that reads "YOU WAKE THEM YOU, TAKE THEM, GENIUSES!" 

You've been warned. Don't tempt me. 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Can I just get something off my chest?

Attention everyone:

[I say "everyone" because I refuse to be accused of discriminating based on age or gender, but let's be honest... I'm talking primarily about teenage girls here. They're the only offenders I've seen so far. Please correct me if I'm wrong.]

If your butt cheeks are hanging out the bottom of your "shorts", you're not wearing shorts. You're wearing underwear. And I do believe wearing underwear for bottoms is considered socially unacceptable in *most* public places. Nudist colonies, exhibitionist conventions, beaches, and pools excluded, of course. 

Now, before ANYONE accuses me of anti-feminism, let me make one thing explicitly clear- I am a feminist. In the true definition of the term. I truly believe in equality between women and men. 

I truly believe the idea that "boys and young men can't be expected to control themselves when girls and women wear revealing clothing" is absolute bullshit. HOWEVER...

The line when it comes to dress-code must be drawn somewhere, and I believe that line to be the curvature of one's posterior. Man or woman. 

There are those who get a little too much enjoyment in these types of "displays" and would tell me "Don't look if you don't like it!" And to that I say... 

When I'm crouching down to the lower shelf of baby food at the grocery store and I turn around to put my items in the bottom of my cart and I come face to face with the exposed bottom portions of someone's derrière, it pretty much can't be helped. 

I'm trying to help, really. I'm trying to prevent your nomination for "September" in next year's "People of Walmart" calendar. 

I mean, most places of business have some sort of signage or posted policy claiming something along the lines of "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service"... Do we really need to add total-butt-cheek-covering-bottoms to that list? 

So people- hear me out... Please let the decision regarding who views your butt remain between you and whomever you choose on an individual [and I do hope private] basis. And leave the rest of us blissfully unaware of what lies beneath your underwear. 

The somewhat modest and now slightly embarrassed woman in aisle five. 


My years and dollars spent cultivating a sizable nail polish collection has totally paid off... Especially now that my favorite girl has started requesting mani/pedis! 

"Finners" as Emma calls them

And toes! :) 

It was chilly out today! 

Emma said "I wanna snuggle Rory!" 
That face... 😂

Rory napped for 45 minutes today... Grrrr. I swear it's the moon cycle! Then he fell asleep at 5:00 when we ran to the grocery store. Then refused to go to bed on time. This child is currently in the lead for gray hairs with his name on them. Wait, no... I think Emma's in the lead. Actually, I'm sure it's a dead tie ;) 

So THIS bad boy just arrived! She's trying to tear it open with her bare hands. Thanks to uncle Carson and Juliette! This will be a hoot and a half... :P