Monday, August 31, 2015

Dear Target...

Dear Target, 

Let me start this by saying, I love you. I truly do. You're a "happy place" for me. You're my escape when the weather is crap and I just need to get out of the house and do something. For the most part, you treat me well. Stuff like Cartwheel, you really know how to make a coupon-clipping savvy shopper swoon. But, as in any healthy relationship, I need to be able to air my grievances. Let me do so now, all the while knowing we'll always still be friends. We'll always have each other. 

My first complaint, dear Target, is that while your strategic end caps and displays fill me with joy, they also rob me of my money. Stop it. I enter your sacred halls knowing full well that the only items on my shopping list are diapers, shampoo, and tissues, yet your display of toddler clothing convinces me that life as I know it will end if I don't buy my sweet girl that top and those skinny jeans. They're 10% off on Cartwheel. They're adorable. And she's adorable. I see what you're doing, there... Still, before I know it, the outfit is in my cart. 

Secondly, you really need more of those two-seater carts. When there aren't any available (and I swear you've only got one or two) I basically have only two options:

1. Put my toddler in the seat, and put my baby in his car seat in the basket of the cart. Then I have no room for anything in my cart except maybe one or two very small items. (Although quite inconvenient, that would solve the over-spending problem I guess!) Or...

2. Put my baby in the seat and give my toddler the cart space. This is what I had to do today because I had a long shopping list and couldn't possibly get what I needed with the baby in his car seat. But this poses another problem... While I have room for more than one or two tiny items in the cart, this situation leaves said items completely exposed to the whims of my "spirited" toddler. Then I have to apologize to strangers after she opens the box of tampons and starts throwing them (yes, this happened). 

For the love of the families with multiple children who spend every hard-earned dime in your stores, get more multiple seat carts, or I'm going to have to start shopping at Wal-Mart. And I hate Wal-Mart. (It's just an empty threat, Target, I'll never really leave you...) 

Lastly, your "buy 3 get a $5 gift card" deals. My sensible side tells me that I do not, in fact, NEED three cans of air freshener at once, but my other side says "But it's a free five dollars I can put toward diapers!" So I come back, and of course spend way more than five dollars. Well played, Target... Well played. 

Like I said, Target, I love you. I just needed to be heard. See you tomorrow. 

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