I went to the grocery store for two things- baby food, and yogurt.
But then... This one kid, oh this sweet curly-haired little boy who looked like he really earned it, strolled past us with the biggest, baddest, most obnoxious looking ice cream cone I have ever seen. Rainbow jimmies and everything.
Well, I braced myself. I silently steeled my nerves for the oncoming storm of whining, begging, and tears. I knew she saw him and his almost cartoon-like ice cream cone.
But nothing. I waited a good five seconds, and she hadn't made a sound.
That's when I made a very grave mistake.
Eye contact.
There she was, gazing up at me with giant Disney Princess eyes and chubby cheeks. It was like looking at the physical embodiment of hope.
"Emma I-ceam too, Mumma?" Then the little con-artist knew just what to say to seal the deal before I even had a chance to mount any sort of defense. "Oh peeeeeeeeeease?"
I have never in her two years of existence heard her ask so calmly and sweetly for anything.
The girl knows how to play me like a fiddle.
So we left the grocery store with baby food, yogurt, and chocolate ice cream. I don't know exactly what charmed her this evening, but she even waited patiently until we were through with dinner before claiming her prize.
Rory had finished his jar of strained peas and started to complain [can't blame the kid there] and what does his dear, sweet big sister do? Extend a giant spoonful of the good stuff toward her brother- "here go baby, I-ceam!"
You get it from your mother, my sweet... In my world, too, ice cream fixes everything.
Charlotte got an iceam cone tonight, too. She's so polite about ice cream. It's amazing. She orders them herself when we go to McDonald's as a special treat... There's nothing sweeter than a blonde two year old politely saying "Iceam cone pease?" <3