2. She likes macaroni and cheese and she likes hot dogs. But she nailed me to the freaking wall when I put cut-up hotdogs into her Mac and cheese. How much more anti-American can you get?
3. She seems to like cats more than dogs. *I don't feel the need to elaborate on this one*
4. She is alarmingly skilled at psychological warfare, specifically- don't let your enemy sleep. As I have whined about in the past, we have a difficult time getting Rory to sleep past 4am. On the rare occasion he sleeps until 5 or later, she gets up at 3 or 4. Never fails. You know. Just to make sure we keep mom and dad strung-out and ready to crack.
5. She understands and readily practices the concept of ransom. After the eleventieth episode of Curious George at 6 am, when she knows I'd rather gouge my ears out than listen to that damn monkey screech for one more 13 minute torture session, she takes the remote control hostage. She then uses this opportunity to demand goldfish crackers and juice in exchange (because, you know, mommy has been up since 3 and is already at the end of her rope. Better capitalize on that.)
6. She tries to negotiate everything. I could offer her exactly what she wants, and she would still try to negotiate for more.
7. She's sneaky. As soon as I slip away to the pantry for the last granola bar, she's suddenly at my feet demanding at least half of it when not two seconds earlier she was in a completely different part of the house.
8. She's outsmarted me on more occasions than I care to admit.
9. Search and destroy. She's got it down. She chooses to focus that skill on anything that can't be put back together.
10. And last but not least, the art of deception. To the rest of the world, she's a sweet, innocent little girl with big blue-green eyes and blonde pigtails. But like I said, I'm onto her...