Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Emma Speaks [Vol. 12]

*referring to pepperoni*

Emma: "Mom. There's bacon on my pizza."


*I was getting a tiny bit frustrated trying to find Rory's shoe amidst a kitchen cluttered from us unpacking after our trip*

Me: "Okay, shoe elves, where did you hide Rory's shoe?" 

Emma: "Mumma, seriously, calm down."

Me: "Emma, I am calm. I'm just trying to find Rory's shoe."

Emma (gently patting my leg): "Shhhhhhh Mumma. It's okay. I'm here." 


*Rory was sitting on the living room floor chewing on a block. Truly not making a peep*

Emma: "Rory! No singing!"

Me: "...he's not singing."

Emma (whispers): "I heard him." 


*I was in the kitchen working on dinner and I heard a little scuffle going on in the living room*

Me: "Emma, are you being nice to your brother?"

Emma: "Probably not."

Honesty. I respect that.


Emma: "How you doing, Abbie?"

Abbie (the English teacher): "I'm doing good, Emma, how are you?"

Emma: "I'm doing well."

Abbie (to me): "I just had my grammar corrected by a two year old." 


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