Thursday, February 4, 2016

Emma Speaks [Vol. 15]

*I took my laundry basket that Emma was playing with, because I actually needed it for laundry*

Emma: "Hey! Cut that out!" 
Me: "You need to use nice words or you're going to have a time-out."
Emma: "Alright. Please cut that out!"

That's not quite what I meant, dearest. 


*I rarely buy Froot Loops, because let's be honest it's essentially a bowl of sugar and not much more, but I did recently. So Emma was on her first bowl of Froot Loops in probably a year or more*

Emma: "Hey! Who painted the cereal?" 

I'm still laughing about this one! 


*Emma and Rory were snuggling on the beanbag chair*

Emma: "Hey, Rory's ears smell like ketchup."
Me: "That's probably because he was rubbing ketchup on his head at lunch."
Emma (whispering to Rory): "You make mumma crazy." 

I think she may have heard that somewhere once or twice. Maybe. And yet again I need to watch my mouth! 


*I took a bowl of leftover dip and cut up veggies from the fridge and sat down at the table.*

Emma: "Oooh, what's that?"
Me: "Veggies and dip. Want some?"

So Emma climbs up to the table and joins me in snacking on veggies and dip. After a few minutes...

Emma: "Mom, I love this game." 

Hah. Me too, kid.


*We were out for lunch at the Stone Cellar with Landon's family and the waitress came back to our table to check on us.*

Waitress: "How is everything?"
Emma (pointing to her Mac and cheese): "This is kind of mushy."

From the mouths of babes!