Wednesday, January 20, 2016

For your entertainment

Abbie and Emma "drying off" in front of the heater, which Emma calls the "magic fire". Also, note Emma's kind and constructive commentary... >__<

Emma Speaks [Vol. 14]

*Cradling her beloved Bunny like a baby*

Emma: "Bunny, I'm your Mumma. You have to yisten to me."

Oh. So she CAN hear me. 


*Emma took a toy away from her brother, so I took it away from her and gave it back to him when she didn't listen to my instruction to return it to him.*

Emma: "Hey! That's MINE!" 
Me: "Emma, I don't like it when you talk like that."
Emma: "It's okay. Don't be sad." 
Me: "Well, it's not okay. It makes me sad." 
Emma: "Well don't be." 


*Anytime we're together as a family and there's a lull in the conversation*

Emma: "Soooo... How you doing, guys?" 


*While watching the Land Before Time and eating ice cream, there's a part where the T-Rex comes charging.*

Emma: "Oh no! Dinosaur! Don't take my ice cream!" 
Then she drops her spoon, holds up both hands toward the TV and says, 
"Easy, easy boy..." 
Like the T-Rex is an over excited horse :P


*I was making a smoothie and was putting in some fresh spinach to get my greens in! And apparently Emma hasn't encountered uncooked spinach in a while...*

Emma: "What's those Mumma, leaves?" 
Me: "Haha! I guess they are leaves. This is spinach."
Then I held one up and ate it and held one out for her to take
Emma: "Uh-oh Mumma, that's a no-no! We don't eat leaves!" 

She must be recollecting a scolding from this past fall! ;) 

Recent Pictures

We have a snow lover in our family!

She's such a good little shoveler :)

"Mom, quit laughing at my ears. That's rude." 

Sledding with Auntie! 

And Fannel! 

A little duet at Aunt Ann's :) 

My little Impy :P

Ohhhhh this irresistible little face! 

And the little shoveler is back at it!! :) 

The best toys aren't toys!! :)

A big cardboard box is hours of fun for these two! 
Days, even! 

But we can't fight over the box :( 

She was barking at me to quit trying to take her picture. Hand on her hip and everything! Sheesh. 

Impy's at it again! 
This is the new look he gets on his face when he's about to attempt rule-breaking (yep, we're there already) 
I can't NOT giggle at this face, though... :P 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Emma Speaks [Vol. 13]

*We were staying the night at my grandma's in SD and I was laying with Emma until she fell asleep (because, toddler in a strange house) and we brought her musical turtle along that plays ocean sounds and projects waves onto the ceiling. She had her eyes closed and I was convinced she was asleep when the time ran out on the turtle. I was wrong* 

All of a sudden as I'm about to get up, I feel her little hand on my cheek and she whispers:

"Hollie. Turn my turtle back on." 



*We were snuggling on the couch when she handed me her pacifier.*

Emma: "Here. Hold this."
Not 30 seconds later
Emma: "Mumma! Where my paci go???" 
I just extend my hand which is still holding the pacifier she gave me
Emma (giggling): "Oh Mumma. You crazy cat." 

Yep. That's me. 


*Landon pretended to take Emma's nose and eat it. So she did the same thing to him.*

Emma: "I got your nose! I'm gonna eat it!"
Pantomimes eating his nose
Emma: "Mmmm! Tastes like chicken!" 

Hilariously disturbing. 


Emma: "Mumma, what's your name?"
Me: "You tell me... What's my name?"
Emma: "Your name's Mumma!" 
Me: "Sure! What's his name?" Pointing to Landon

No response from Emma

Me: "Is his name daddy?" 
Emma (giggling): "No! His name Wandon Wawson!" 

Well. She's not wrong. 


*Emma was having a terrible day, and I was convinced she wasn't feeling well. The kids were in their high chairs eating lunch.*

Me: "Emma, do you feel okay?"
Emma (tearful): "No. I not feeling good."
Me: "I think you should take some medicine." 
Emma: "Okay. Mecine make me feel better."
Me: "Yes, it should make make you feel better!" 
Emma: "You make me feel better Mumma."
Rory starts to whine either for attention or more food or something...
Emma: "No Rory, it my turn. I sick. You hush." 

Can you say diva?!